Time is like a roll of potty paper. When you are young, the roll is brand new and it takes a long time for the end to make one go-around. As you get older, the roll gets smaller, and it goes faster. I feel like 2019 was zipping around and around! And it was fun!
My piece called “Elemental” - the one that was juried into a show the year before - has gone to its permanent home as a museum piece in a gallery called Creative Journeys, located in Milton GA.
I really enjoyed last year’s success with the flowers. They are now available in a gallery in Round Top TX called The Copper Shade Tree. This is a delightful gallery that highlights Texas artists. I am so honored to be included.
With several trips to Santa Fe NM under my belt, I realized that Cholla (that’s a cactus) was a good vehicle for my flowers. So I’m pushing that venue in 2020. We’ll see what turns up. The flowers continue to make me happy.
After the Rain